Thursday, October 29, 2009

CH 10 A Long Way Gone Vocabulary Words

Definition: Not clear or not sure.
Sentence: The boy was uncertain of the answer to the question.

Definition: Small sized or thin.
Sentence: The red straw was very slender.

Definition: Attempted or influence by gentle persuasion.
Sentence: The man was being coaxed to join the program.

Definition: Allow or to confess
Sentence: the lady was Admitting her sins to god.

Definition: Cause of complaint, dispute, or hostile feeling.
Sentence: the lady was Quarrel to the Store for selling the wrong product.

Definition: Block or close up with an obstacle.
Sentence: The Border obstructed the immigrants.

Monday, October 26, 2009

CH 9 A Long Way Gone Vocabulary

Definition: Occurring or Happening at the same time.
Sentence: The girl was simultaneously driving and talking to her friend.

Definition: General loss of the senses of feeling, such as pain, cold, heat and others.
Sentence: The kid was feeling Anesthesia so they wore a Coat.

Definition: Lacking of readiness of speech.
Sentence: the words were very hesitant.

Definition: Deprive of courage hope or confidence.
Sentence: The boy was very Discourage since he was very Scared.

Definition: Unable to be avoided.
Sentence: It was almost inevitable to avoid the tax bill.

Definition: The coming of a person after another in a certain order. Sentence: After the King his son would be his Succession.

Definition: To become quiet, less active, or less violent.
Sentence: The Crying of the baby finally Subsided.

Definition: Giving Attention
Sentence: His Science presentation was very Attentively.

Definition: Complicate or hard to understand or follow.
Sentence: He felt like everything was intricate when he was drunk.

Friday, October 23, 2009

CH 9 A Long Way Gone Suffering at the beach

I named Ch 9 of a long way gone Suffering at the beach because in the Chapter there at the beach and there suffering of Starvation, Foot pain, and vilaggers attacking them.

CH 9 A Long Way Gone Questions

1. It sounded like a thundery explosion, metal drums, and a roar.
2. Because the ocean had a natural beauty that he liked it distracted him from the war. I like to go to the beach when I want to relax, but cant always.
3. Mortars lay in sand, rice spilling out, leaking cans, and unattended cooking.
4. they were ambushed by fishermen. They tied them and took them to the chief.
6. Since it was hot there feet would get burned by walking.
7. They were so miserable, tired and hungry to make a sound.
8. The man gave them food, and relaxed there feet.
9. Musa had a round face, was short, bulky, and with tiny round ears.
10. Kenai had a long calm face, was skinny, had short and dark hair.
11. Alhaji spoke in elaborate gestures and had long hands.
12. Jumah used his head to answer. He waived his head whenever he spoke. And kept his hands behind his back most of the time.
13. Saidu and Moriba were quiet, sat next to each other, Saidu breathed hard and had nig ears.
14. I think I would identify more with Ishmael.
15. the host had white teeth, was always shirtless, and was very nice.
16. They were tied up. Ishmael just let himself get caught.
17. Ishmael just let the chaser capture him.
18. The village chief called the boy devils.
19. When the chief wanted to see Ishmael rap and he untied him

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CH 8 long Way gone Collage Lonely Days

i named Ch 8 of a long Way Gone Lonely days because Ishmael has experinces loneliness since he escaped from Kamator. He stayed in the forest for a month until he found some people who he decided to go to Bonthe with him.

CH 8 Questions a long way gone part two

1. He was scared by the images he saw and would often not be able to go to sleep, be startled, dizzy, and scared.
2. He tried to close his eyes to avoid thinking but it didn’t work.
3. Ishmael is afraid to be alone in the Jungle.
4. it was Risky that he ate the Fruit because it could have made him sick, but if he didn’t ate it he would have died of hunger.
5. He felt sad and Lonely because he doesn’t know if they are still alive.
6. He uses water and grass to clean his body and Sap wood to clean his teeth.
7. Ishmael doesn’t want to think about the bad experiences and memories, but he can’t stop thinking of them.
8. He is scared of Leopards Lions and Wild Pigs because they might hurt him.
9. I think he is worried emotionally when he is thinking about his family because he doesn’t know where they are.
10. He has lived in the Forest for more than a month.
11. He found six boys around his age and traveled with them.
12. He could tell what tribe they were from the marks on there cheeks and there features.
13. One of the boys comforted him by telling him that the Circumstances will change and that everything will be fine.

CH 8 Questions A long Way Gone Part one

1. Since he is scared of the war he keeps his guard up, even the smallest things startled him, and he felt awkwardly brutal. I didn’t really felt like that because most of the time I wasn’t alone.
n2. He kept in mind the dead bodies of the people he saw and all the people that suffered by the ebels.
3. He had trouble sleeping because of the fear and had an aching back by sleeping in the trees.
4. He was kept alive by eating a fruit that the birds were eating. The fruit was lemon shaped and orange with red colored.
5. The Medicine his Grandpa gave him was a special medicine that was suppose to enhance the Brain’s capacity to retain and absorb knowledge. He wrote a special Arabic prayer on the Slate.
6. For him the most difficult part of being in the Forest was the Loneliness.
7. When ever I had a court date I just wanted to go to sleep at night, but couldn’t stop thinking.
8. He ate and drank water, took a bath, and fought his own mind from bad memories.
9. His Father told him an important lesson before and the words he remembered kept him going.
10. The Marks on there cheeks and there features let Ishmael know what tribe they were from.
11. Since the seven of them were young boys People were scared of them because they often mistaken them for Rebels.
12. Since they were young and Mistaken for rebels Older men didn’t trust them and wanted to kill them or keep an eye on them to protect there friends and Family.

Monday, October 12, 2009

CH 8 A long Way Gone Vocabulary

Definition: appropriate for some reason
Sentence: That Tuxedo looked Suitable for prom night.

Definition: Make well known, bring into common knowledge or use.
Sentence: We had to be Familiarized with the Solar System for our science test.

Definition: a Facility or area near a certain place.
Sentence: That bank was a Vicinity near our home.

Definition: Tempting to posses or unable to resist it.
Sentence: The Chocolate Cake looked so Delicious and Irresistible.

Definition: Lacking readiness of speech.
Sentence: the words were very hesitant.

Definition: Having an unappealing bitter favor.
Sentence: The food tasted Bitter and Medicinal.

Definition: Create a mental image in your mind.
Sentence: it is easy to Visualize something fun with Imagination.

Definition: Publically and generally known.
Sentence: The Criminal was Notoriously known throughout California.

Definition: Something or someway to attract something.
Sentence: The Cheese would lure the mouse to the trap.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

CH 7 A long Way Gone On A Journey Alone

I named Ch 7 of a long way Gone On a Journey alone because Since the Rebels Attacked Kamator Ishmael had to run to Banthe Island for Safety. Since he lost his Family, His Brother, and His friends he had to travle to Banthe alone.

CH 7 A long Way gone Vocabulary

Definition: Unmindful, Unconscious, Unaware
Sentence: She was Oblivious to everyone when she was sleeping.

Definition: Powerful in action or effect.
Sentence: He was vigorous when he got angry.

Definition: Wanting something using Force
Sentence: The Egyptians demanded the Citizens to pay them the Tax they owed.

Definition: Process of moving in changing place or Position.
Sentence: The girls were in Motion when they exercised.

Definition: Putting something in a set.
Sentence: The Couple Mounted there car with Grocery

Definition: Something that has a chance of occurring.
Sentence: There are many possibilities about how much money you will get in a Casino.

Definition: The Coverings of a Material.
Sentence: The Thatched of our house roof is made from Bricks.
Definition: To do something That you don’t actually do for real.
Sentence: The Boy pretended to be a pirate for Halloween.

A Long Way Gone Ch 7 Questions

1. The Attack of Kamator was crazy because people ran for there lives and houses got destroyed.
2. Imam was the person who performed the prayer at the end of the day. The rebels captured him, he refused to tell them were everyone was hiding, and was set on Fire.
3. The Rebels attacked the Village and everyone ran for there lives and got lost.
4. I was separated from my mom in a store when I was four years old.
5. He mostly ate Oranges.
6. Ishmael wanted to go to Bonthe.
7. The man seemed like he wanted Ishmael to leave since he didn’t trust him.
8. People were performing the last prayer of the day, no one knew the Rebels were close to the village, and they appeared out of nowhere.
9. Imam was set on fire for not telling the rebels were Everyone was hiding. His teeth were bared, and he saw the pain he went through. Then dogs and vultures ate his remains.
10. The boys did not stay together because they got separated during the Attack.
11. In the flash back Ishmael’s father has prayed to god that they will always stay together, but got separated by the war.
12. When Ishmael and Kaloko returned to the Village no one was In there and they saw Imam’s burnt body.
13. When Ishmael was Going through the forest he was scared, lonely, and Careful.
14. I don’t remember doing something I think I couldn’t do.
15. The Family he met was Skeptical because they didn’t trust him.
16. He feels bad and disappointed he couldn’t be trusted since he was still a kid.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

CH 6 Long Way Gone Vocabulary

►Definition: A giant mass murder of humans or animals.
►Sentence: During World War 2 the Jewish Massacre had a giant impact In Europe.

►Definition: something done or made.
►Sentence: His voluntary actions of cleaning the community made him special.

►Definition: Short story designed to teach some truth.
►Sentence: The mom told her son A Parable of her Childhood.

►Definition: Thin Vesicle on the skin, containing watery matter or serum, as from a burn or other injury.
►Sentence: The Boy grew a Blister last month.

►Definition: Middle of the day. The evening or noon.
►Sentence: We went to the park during the Midday.

►Definition: To swallow up in or as in a gulf.
►Sentence: The major Fog Engulfed about two Cities.

►Definition: Activity of a scout or scouts
►Sentence: Roasting Marshmallows is a scouting activity.

►Definition: Capable of producing Vegetation.
►Sentence: The area was very fertile.

►Definition: Sympathetic or kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, or misfortune of another
►Sentence: The girl felt Pitied after finding out that the Neighbors cat has died.

►Definition: Occurring every now and then.
►Sentence: The Birds occasionally came to our backyard.

Ch 5 Long Way Gone Vocabulary

Definition: To suffer from heat thirst or need of water.
Sentence: He felt parched since he didn’t ate for 30 days.

Definition: The mouth, or end for a discharge, of the barrel of the gun, pistol, etc.
Sentence: The soldier pointed the muzzle of his gun to the Prisoner.

Definition: a Captured person who is now a prisoner or a slave.
A soldier became a captive when in the Afghanistan War.

Definition: the act of being questioned.
Sentence: The cops interrogated a murder suspect.

Definition: To close very tightly.
Sentence: he wanted to prove he wasn’t scared so he clenched his hands.

Definition: To deal or deliver something painful.
Sentence: He was inflicted pain on the prisoner by hitting him with his gun.