Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ch 21 A Long Way Gone Questions

1. The tingling sensation he gets in his stomach is remembering walking on a moving sidewalk in Amsterdam airport.
2. He has never seen so many white people, all hurriedly dragging there bags.
3. In his school they had not enough school materials, and the classes were outside.
4. The students had to help there teachers grow crops in the gardens, it was the only way teachers who haven't been paid for years could make a living.
5. The other children have heard of Ishmael and Mohamed’s past solider life.
6. I wouldn’t want to be there friends because we don’t know if they are good people.
7. On May 25, 1997 there was a loud noise in the city.
8. The Rebels caused the noise in the morning. They wanted to overthrow the president of the country.
9. Some of the prisoners who escaped went to the houses of the judges and lawyers who sentenced them to kill them, and others joined the rebels in the army.
10. The Rebels are so desperate for becoming a president that they would use Children, prisoners and other people just to win the war.
11. It doesn’t explain the difference of the Prison Systems.
12. I would feel like the war would never end.
13. People started looting, riots, and just chaos.
14. I do think we need laws, because places like this would be dangerous an I don’t want to live there.
15. The Rebels would use Explosives to break open banks vaults.
16. The Secret Market would Secretly sell food to the civilians of Sierra Leone
17. Over the Megaphone the Rebels announce that the have Overthrown the elected President.
18. The civilians were hiding, running and Screaming.
19. Mohamed was continuing coughing.
20. The Gun shots were continuing for over five months.
21. Most of the time people ate soaked raw rice.
22. His Uncle started to become sick and then died.
23. Ishmael thought that some of his past friends were still in the army and that they would kill him if they found out they would have killed him.
24. I think I would get trapped then be forced to join he rebels or die.
25. The only way to leave Freetown is to take a Bus out of the city, without getting caught.
26. The Bus Reached the Final destination in the town Kambia.
27. I think the solders were strict because they probably don’t want them to smuggle anything.
28. Ishmael was in the Bus, but it was overcrowded.
29. Ishmael made it out of Freetown and into Conakry.
30. I think Ishmael is able to escape death because he keeps moving forward and doesn’t usually have negative thoughts. And doesn’t let tragic moments bother him.
31. I think Ishmael could probably help the other people by giving them good advice on how to survive and by giving them directions to other towns.
32. The story about the monkey is that if the hunter kills the monkey his mom will die, but if they don’t the dad will die. Its significant because it puts the person in a situation whether to let one live and the other die.
33. I kept on hearing the story that babies came from storks and I always use to think how was it possible.

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