•2. It was hard to take showers because there were like thousands of prisoners who needed to take showers and it took a long time for them to shower.
•3. His father can now rest his soul and be in peace since he was suffering from so much exhaustion and its also good for Elie since he could keep going and look only for himself.
•4. Its like both Elie and death that are pulling his father like in a game of tug a war because Elie pulls him to keep on living, but death is pulling him to die and he’s arguing to death to let go so his father can live.
•5. When he heard the other peoples advice to let his father die and keep on going he felt terrible because he thought they might be right.
•6. He had a fever and thought that eating the soup wouldn’t help since it was hot so he decided to get water instead.
•7. His father is dying and suffering very much and people keep on stealing from him.
•8. In concentration camps you’re suppose to look out only for yourself and care for you’re self only.
•10. Elies father was trying to tell Elie something. The guard told him to be quiet, his father didn’t listen so the guard hit him violently with his truncheon so he died faster.
•11. When he found out his father was dead. Elie wanted to cry, but he didn’t.
•12. Free at last could mean two things. For Elie it could mean that he could keep on going without worrying about anyone else, to look only for himself. For his dad it could mean that his spirit could be at rest and he could be at peace.